
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Perfect Knot Turns 1!

The Perfect Knot Crochet and More is Turning 1!

I'm sitting here thinking "Is that really possible?" Has it really been a whole year since I started The Perfect Knot Crochet and More on Facebook? Amazingly enough, it has been!

I'll be quite honest, this was never something I thought I would be doing; having a little business based off my favorite hobby (next to photography & my previous career as a professional photographer of course. :) ).

When it all came about, it was more or less something for me to do to help me keep my sanity & not go completely stir-crazy while I take care of my mom. (She has Alzheimer's & I am her full time caregiver.) I crocheted to keep myself busy & to give my hands & my brain something to do but to my surprise, people loved what I did & asked me to do more. So that got me thinking and the next thing I knew, The Perfect Knot Crochet and More started falling into place and becoming something I loved but never dreamed of!

I've crocheted since I was a kid & I've designed (but not written it down) pretty much ever since I can remember. When people started asking for the "pattern", it took me a while to be able to learn to "Write this down" when I did something, but over time, it's become second nature to write & work at the same time.

Over this last year it's been a fun & amazing ride & I am very grateful for it! I've been blessed with some amazing friends who help me test out my patterns before I publish them for sale, a great network of other businesses within the Crafting community who all love & support each other, and a way to make a little money to help my family all while doing something I love! The saying "If you love what you do, you'll never 'work' a day in your life" is very true in this case.

This week over at The Perfect Knot Crochet and More is one big giant party & celebration in honor of our 1 year Anniversary! I've got some amazing friends helping me celebrate! There is something going on every day until Sunday April 28th, 2013.
Come on over & check out the fun, prizes, sales, discounts & giveaways! You can see all the fun stuff here!

Special thanks to all the ladies participating in the Celebration! I couldn't have done it without you ladies. :)

I hope you will come on over to The Perfect Knot & celebrate with us!

Thank you all for your love & support & for making The Perfect Knot a fun place to be!

God Bless & Have a great day!

Michelle K
The Perfect Knot Crochet and More


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