
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Enigma Solved!

Several years ago I found this photo of a beautiful crocheted bracelet online that I absolutely fell in love with. The photo was small, the quality wasn't that great & there was no pattern that went with it & no way to find out who had posted the photo. The image had stayed online in a search, but the website had been abandoned & taken down. *Sadness*
I have never fallen in love with something crocheted like it before & for almost 2 years I tried to figure out something similar on my own. I stared at it for hours & hours, days & days! I tried several attempts over the last couple of years to “recreate” something similar & a few times I came close but could never quite figure out “exactly” how it was done. It puzzled me & puzzled me & I could never get it to look the way I wanted & after many failed attempts I finally gave up & said it was just not meant to be.
Then one day recently, I happened to be reorganizing my room & I found the binder I had kept of things I had loved or that were just pictures for inspiration. And lo & behold the photo of the bracelet I had found a couple of years ago was in the folder! I pulled it back out & started staring at it again.
My brain started working like crazy & all of a sudden something clicked! 
I thought, “It really can’t be as simple as all of that, can it?” LOL 
So I played around with an idea & kept working with it. I tried it in a shorter version first to see if my idea would work or not. The idea worked & then all of a sudden so did the math to make it happen & before I knew it, I had a pretty close recreation of what I had in the picture! Finally the Enigma was Solved!(I love it when something just clicks & it all works out!)
I started writing & working as fast as I could & before I knew it I had the pattern all worked out & ready to send to my testers! I was so excited that I couldn't wait to share it with them & with everyone else.
So now I can finally share with all of you both my results & their's! 

Jan R

Thanks for coming with me on my journey to solve the Enigma!

Michelle K 
The Perfect Knot


  1. I do love mine! These soft bracelets are just so comfortable and you've got so many different designs (which I think I may have helped test just about all?!) that it gets hard to choose which one do I wear today!

    1. Thank you Cara!
      You have certainly tested a bunch of them & I truly appreciate it!


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