
Monday, September 9, 2013

Uh Oh! She's at it again!

Rochelle's Geometric Knit Hat

Look out world! She's at it again!
Getting into something crafty and creative & loving every minute of it!

Okay I admit it. I am now "Bi-stitch-ual"! I can both Crochet & Knit! (Uh Oh! I can get into even more trouble now! LOL)

My grandma taught me how to do both when I was little but I loved crocheting so much more that I stuck with that over the knitting & I pretty well forgot everything I learned about knitting up until this point. It was the whole out of sight, out of mind, don't use it you lose it thing.

 Last year though I said I wanted to try it again & a few months ago my grandma gifted me all of hers & my mom's old knitting needles. When I say old, we're talking truly antique/vintage here, 60 years or better at least! It was pretty cool to see all of those antique needles & to find the gauge checker with my mom's maiden name on it for her grade 6 home economics class though. It truly felt like I had been gifted pieces of both my mom & my grandma. Pretty neat that she held onto them for all these years & now I have them again.

I had tried to knit last year & it didn't go over too well, so I set it down again. When my grandma gave me hers & mom's needles again though, I decided I would go ahead & pick it up again to give it another try.

Well like most things when I "play" I get an idea and I start working on something and before you know it I end up making up my own creation. The same was true in this case with this idea. So after a little bit of work, a little more trial and error, sorting it out after a few mistakes and after sending it to a round with my testers I now can present my FIRST Knit pattern!

When I got this idea, I knew exactly who I was going to be making it for & who was going to be the inspiration for this pattern. I just had to make it work because I knew it would be special to her. :)

I had so much fun coming up with this design! It incorporates all of my favorite things about fiber work! It has texture, color, interesting shapes, a beautiful design & a few other things you have to look for in order to see the surprises in your finished work! 

Best of all, I came up with this design especially for a wonderful friend & was able to gift the finished item to her & she loved it! That part always makes me Happy & I love it when my designs get to be loved by my friends & family!

So without any further ado, let me introduce you to the Rochelle's Geometric Knitted Hat!

 You can purchase the pattern in my Ravelry Shop and I have it introductory priced with a special coupon code for all my friends until 9-12-13.
Use code Knit1 & you will receive $2.50 off the total price.

This has been so much fun for me & such a wonderful adventure to branch out into this area of crafting again. I've had fun & I know that this will not be my only knit pattern, so stay tuned for more to come in the future!

Special thanks to all my testers who helped me get this pattern ready!
You can see more of their hard work here:

Thank you for stopping by The Perfect Knot Crochet and More!
Have a great day!

Michelle K
The Perfect Knot

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